Advertising Creativity Unlimited USA / Aaron Keith Hammock Productions:
Promotional Advertising Specialties & Promotional Products Creators (Not For Profit Educational & For Profit Live Media Events Developers)
Promotional Products are the profitable & important fun side of any business! They are the basic foundation in the Creation, Development and Future of any Business. They can also be equally destructive, if not produced properly.
These products are the basis for any Advertising, Marketing, Promotional Presentation, Business Image, Brand Image, Manufactured Product Identification, Labeling and Product Line. Proper branding creates major profit through Consumer Gifts, Heirlooms, Keepsakes, Products and Souvenirs. Additionally, your clients are kept in fond memory of doing business with you for life! Promotional Products bring friends and family into your business! Your branding recognition is the lifeline of your business!!!
Ask yourself these questions and stay true to yourself:
1. Do the products I use now serve a purpose for the recipient?
2. Are the products I use now accepted by the recipient as representing the quality of my Work, Company image or the Community
Reputation that I am striving for?
3. Do the products that I present in appreciation to my clients have the ability to be retained and shared?
4. Do the products that I give to my clients reflect the proud image they will keep and share with others?
5. Do these products have longevity? In other words will they be keepsakes?
6. Will people wear them, use them or proudly display and share with others?
7. Do these products reflect the same Image that I'm trying to build my business on?
8. Can I sell them for profit or gift them for brand recognition?
9. When seen by others, will they entice them to join our business?
10. Are you ready to take the necessary steps to grow into a more profitable business?
If You Answered NO to any of the above questions and YES to number 10,
Allow Us To Work With You and Together We Can Make All of These Answers YES!!!
Personal Consultation is Available By Appointment Only.